I am a mother,






Reason to live

With being a mother comes the cliché “ups and downs”, but there are few things that make a life worth living then watching and fostering the growth of your child. Seeing the world through a fresh pair of eyes and having your heart warmed to the point of melting on a daily basis definitely makes, enduring the temper tantrums and sleepless nights worth it. There are many people I come across in my life both virtually and in person who are childless, happy, and who don’t quite get why their friends with children have changed. They can also be judgmental, self centred, and careless in sharing their opinions. I think every mother (and father) as some point remembers when they were the same way and realizes the amazing opportunity for personal growth that comes with being a parent.

With the personal growth that comes with being a parent also comes the professional growth for myself as a photographer. I have always felt it important to document your life in pictures but now I truly understands the importance of documenting my clients love and emotion. Before, I was looking at life from my own point of view foremost but now my parental instincts put my children’s point of view first. Long after we are gone our children, and grandchildren, will crack open the family photo album (or sad to say plug in the USB key) and will quietly relive their moments and memories. As their fingers gingerly touch the pages (or screen) with warmth in their hearts I want for all of them to see their beautiful mothers. For that reason I am personally making a valiant effort to get in front of the camera more often and I employ every mother to do the same. As it’s with these images and video, that their memories of moments with us will remain strong and vivid.

For this year’s Mother’s Day Portrait Sessions I decided the best way to document the love Mother’s and Children have for each other is to keep it simple and classic by setting up the studio for low key, black and white portraits. I am extremely proud of these mom’s for braving the camera and letting go. I hope this post will inspire all mothers to stop letting their personal ideals of perfect get in the way of them getting in pictures with their children (and all loved ones) because children see nothing but beauty unless told otherwise.

Enjoy the love.
Black and White Low Key Mother Daughter PortraitBlack and White Low Key Mother Daughter PortraitBlack and White Low Key Mother Daughter Portrait Black and White Low Key Mother Daughter Portrait Black and White Low Key Mother Daughter Portrait Black and White Low Key Mother Daughter Portrait Black and White Low Key Mother Daughter Portrait Black and White Low Key Mother Daughter Portrait Black and White Low Key Mother Daughter Portrait Black and White Low Key Mother Daughter Portrait Black and White Low Key Mother Daughter Portrait Black and White Low Key Mother Daughter Portrait Black and White Low Key Mother Daughter Portrait Black and White Mother and daughter portrait 1Mother and daughter portrait 1Mother and daughter portrait 1 Mother and daughter portrait 1Black and White Low Key Mother Daughter PortraitCambridge Ontario Portrait Photographer