A group of photographers have gathered together to create a group project titled Poetry in Stills.

Every Month we will be posting an image and poem inspired by each other. Our goal is to experiment with the relationship between the written and visual art.

I ask all who choose to follow this to be kind and considerate as most of us have a stronger visual base in the arts. The following is my contribution and below that is a list of the links for all the other photographers who are participating. There is room for a few more professional photographers if you would like to contribute please let me know.


Cambridge Ontario Photographer

My shoulder bare without you

Black and blue and mentally askew
but alive with guided fate
Reconstructing what can’t be rebuilt
Attempting a mental dash to find answers
Driving the break of fortune
My body’s guarded but it can not travel with a bare shoulder.
Here’s a list of the other photographers who have participated this month. If you are a professional photographer and think this is a project you would like to undertake this year please message me for further details.